Parent-Teacher Meeting

Effective communication between parents, students, teachers and College administration plays and important role in creating open and nurturing environment for a child’s development and academic success. Parent-Teacher Meetings are one of the methods for maintaining the efficiency in communication.

Regular Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTM) conducted on a monthly basis are a great opportunity to communicate directly with your child’s teacher and hear how your child is tracking academically and socially relative to his/her classmates. Teachers, likewise, have a chance to recieve valuable feedback from the parents. This is also a great way to discuss any troubles or questions you may have regarding

your child so as to improve the parent-child communication. The College conducts regular informative workshops for parents/guardians aimed to help them significantly improve their interactions and communication with their children. Thereby parents are able to gain an increased understanding of child psychology, behavioural issues and their impact on:

  • Learning/academic achievement, attendance and participation in College
  • Child/youth development
  • College climate and security.